What's happened on the Beauty Me Podcast so far

This week’s blog is all about my new baby - no it isn’t one that requires any nappy changing, but it’s definitely been near tear-inducing on occasion! The BeautyMe podcast has been going for a few months now, so I thought it would be the perfect time to share some episode highlights with you, just in case you haven’t had time to listen yet.

Via Instagram/@drewomaukeleghe

Episode 3: Why retinol is so damn good with Dr Ewoma AKA @skndoctor 
In real life (as well as on Instagram) Dr Ewoma is an example of someone who truly walks the walk when it comes to getting it right when it comes to skincare. Like, seriously, her skin is RIDICULOUS. Not only do I trust her words; I’ve trusted her with my face on several occasions too. I love how she listens to what you need and doesn’t try and sell you tons of different products or treatments. Heads-up; this was one of the first episodes I did without any kind of production support, so the sound quality isn’t perfect. That said, the skincare advice Ewoma gives is invaluable, so bear with me! 

Image via laurennapier.com

Image via laurennapier.com

Episode 4: Being honest while running a beauty brand with Lauren Napier
I really loved talking with Lauren Napier; not only is she the creator of some of the most stylish and divine-smelling facial wipes, beloved by makeup artists everywhere; she’s also super vocal about politics. She has zero issues with voicing her opinions on her brand’s social media accounts and this convo was a great reminder of why the term ‘self-care’ first went viral. A must-listen, especially if you’re headed to New York soon and want some foodie recommendations!

Diarrha, via Instagram

Diarrha, via Instagram

Episode 6: Why DIY facials are better than spending pounds/dollars at the spa 
The amazing, inspirational Diarrha N’Diaye was so open and honest in our chat about why she left Glossier to create her own brand, Ami Cole, and even though she lives in New York, she says she has no time for pricy facials. As well as comparing at-home treats with spa trips, we talk about growing up in a Senegalese household while living in NYC, and why feeling beautiful is important to your self-worth. 

Episode 9: ‘Disgusting’ hair colouring tips with The Hair Historian
Rachael Gibson, AKA @thehairhistorian, is someone I’ve known for around 10 years. She seriously knows her stuff when it comes the hair world, writing for industry magazines and brands, but more recently she started an Instagram account that blends her love of art, hair and history. During our chat Rachael shares some eye-opening tips from back in the day, including how the ancient Egyptians used bird poo to colour their hair (it contains naturally-occurring ammonia). 

Iman, shot by me, at my apartment

Iman, shot by me, at my apartment

Beauty Chat with Iman Ogundeko – coming soon
To be honest, I haven’t quite confirmed a name for this podcast spin-off yet! I wanted to create some short and sweet episodes that didn’t necessarily involve any industry names, but were more about just having a good old discussion with fellow beauty enthusiasts. I met Chicago girl Iman on Instagram a while back and we’ve met up a few times since, as she’s currently a grad student in London.
She’s great fun and I thought she would be the perfect person to have a ‘beauty chat’ – or perhaps ‘beauty buzz’? – with. We’ve recorded two half hour specials; one about current beauty trends, such as skin fasting, and the other is about our five most used products right now. Part one will be up Thursday 14th November. By the way, any suggestions re what I should call this mini-series, let me know in the comments!