Review: CeraVe SA Smoothing Cleanser

I’m definitely someone who likes to share what I’ve just bought or am currently using on my Instagram Stories, but the response I had when I shared that I’d just started using the CeraVe SA Smoothing Cleanser was huge!

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I had so many followers asking me what I thought; I think it’s because the brand is still pretty new to the UK (it launched March 2018), although I’ve often read about it in magazines from the US. It’s definitely got some kind of cult following and I’ve seen many a dermatologist suggesting it as a range that’s perfect for those wanting results at a budget, and without any side effects. To be clear, this is the only CeraVe product I’ve ever used, but upon reading about the rest of the line - particularly their other cleansers - it seems to be gaining a lot of love in the UK, and I really like the fact that it’s focused on hydration, whatever your skin type. I feel that, when you have skin issues such as acne, you often feel like hydration is something bad that’s going to make things worse, but it’s key for all skin types.

I don’t know about you, but when trendy ranges or products or ingredients pop up, I give it a good six months of waiting to see the feedback. Someone I definitely trust is Caroline Hirons - aesthetician and vlogger - because I loved how she told the truth about Cetaphil - one of the worst cleansers I’ve ever used that DRIED out my skin - and exposed the reason that the brand gets so much endorsement from derms and other members of the medical community, is because it’s owned by Galderma, a huge drugs company.

The reason I’ve taken a lot longer to try CeraVe was just because I wasn’t really looking for another option, particularly when it came to my cleanser. I’ve probably used Super Facialist Salicylic Acid Purifying Cleansing Wash for at least a year because it met all my needs. When you have skin that’s affected by your hormones I think you take comfort in the products that you know well, the ones that won’t rock the boat. The Super Facialist SA cleanser has never left me feeling dry but always leaves my skin clean and soft; it’s been my go-to after my oil cleanse if I’m wearing makeup, or if my face has been bare I’ll just wash my face twice with it. The only reason I ended up trying the Cerave was because: I ran out of Super Facialist and headed to Boots. Next to Super Facialist was the e.l.f. Super Clarity with Niacinamide. I have never used anything from e.l.f. before, but because it was just £6 I decided to give it a go. Also, I have been loving the Glossier Super Pure Niacinamide + Zinc Serum - literally skin-changing - so I thought, ‘why not?’ FYI the Serum has been sold out since Black Friday and Glossier really needs to hook it up.

Anyway, once I got the e.l.f. cleanser home I realised I had made an error. When I tried the formula on my hand it looked and felt like one of those pearlescent bath foams that was destined to dry my skin out. I used it for three days and to be honest, I just felt wary of using it the whole time - and it inevitably did dry my skin out. Suffice to say, while working in London for a few days, I had to pop to my fave Boots store - Covent Garden! - and was planning to go back to Super Facialist. Instead I passed by the CeraVe section and noticed just how sold out it was; has to be a good sign, right? I saw one bottle of the SA Smoothing Cleanser left and I knew I had to try it. At £12 it’s double the price of e.l.f and £3 more than Super Facialist, but it holds more. Now that I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks, I’m really impressed with how far it stretches; I’m not even halfway through the 236ml yet.

Texture-wise, the CeraVe SA Smoothing Cleanser is super light, almost like a watery gel, and totally transparent. There’s zero fragrance which I don’t mind in a cleanser, and is described as being perfect for ‘dry, rough, bumpy skin’. Although those words kind of hurt my feelings, I get it - the more prescriptive the high street can get, the better. With a combination of three essential ceramides and hydration-boosting Hyaluronic Acid, on top of the Salicylic Acid, I’ve found this cleanser to be super softening and perfect for a double cleanse. It’s also great for mornings when you feel like you need a refresh. I say this because, recently, I’ve switched to just washing my face with water first thing - especially if I know I’ll be washing my face again a couple of hours later after a trip to the gym. I have never felt any inkling of dryness after using this, and my skin truly feels smoother since I started using it. I should point out that during this time I have also been using the Glossier serum and Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant (also Salicylic Acid) so it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that it’s a combination of all three. All I can say to that is, a cleanser is often the point of difference, because, no matter what you’re putting on your skin, it’s a waste of time if you’re not cleansing properly.

In short, yes I will be buying this again!

What’s your fave cleanser for specific skin concerns?