5 ways to chill the hell out

I don't know what it is, but right now, it seems like there's no time to even sit down and watch your fave trash TV show for five minutes - do you feel that? There's always something that needs doing; whether that's actual work, a friend needing your ears and red wine, a husband wanting you to check over his dissertation, or the washing. I feel like it might be the fact that we are RUNNING OUT OF TIME for 2017 to have 'meant something' but whatever the reason, it's not too late to chill the f*** out and breathe again. Below are my go-to's for when life/people/hormones just won't relax.
Holidays are the perfect way to chill out but the suggestions below are a lot cheaper... Taken at Porthcurno Beach, Cornwall

Holidays are the perfect way to chill out but the suggestions below are a lot cheaper... Taken at Porthcurno Beach, Cornwall

No, I don't mean a 10 minute dip in just plain old water before you dry yourself off with that towel that's starting to feel a little crispy. Set the water running to the temperature you like (me? I'm a almost-boiling type of girl, but do you...) then go off and get yourself a cup of your favourite, comforting drink - maybe that's hot chocolate, wine, coffee, eggnog: it doesn't matter - and neither does the time of day, no judgement here. Once your drink is ready, decide if you want this to be a moment where you just want to sip it and melt, or if you want to give your body some extra loving. If the answer is the former, simply pour your favourite aromatherapy oil (I love sweet orange or eucalyptus and usually find them on Amazon) into the bath, get in and float.
If you prefer the latter, then gather up your favourite grooming products. Pick up that Sanctuary Spa Salt Scrub (currently 3 for 2 at Boots!) or Lush's Buffy Body Butter - not forgetting your oil of choice - and get into the bath. (Make sure your drink isn't too far away as lunging out of the bath is only going to make this a non-chilled-out experience.) As you get to scrubbing try to focus on you. If it's the end of the day, think back to moments that went well - this is not the time to grill yourself about what went wrong at work or the supermarket checkout. If you have a noisy mind, perhaps stick on some music so that you can't hear your inner bitch complain. Trust me, you can go back to complaining tomorrow.

Now after that bath, it's time to moisturise. One of my favourite things is to use good old Johnson's Baby Oil (I LOVE the Bedtime Baby version), before slathering on a super rich lotion or cream - it's like it locks in the oil. Again, take your time with this; focus on the fragrance in the lotion and breathe deeply, or if your skin doesn't do well with fragrance, focus on the act of massaging the product in. You're doing your skin some good and taking time out to enjoy that will chill you out instantly - or at least distract your noisy brain.

Yep, no glamorous regime here, just one foot in front of the other. Oh, and do it solo. Don't feel tempted to invite your bestie or your man - or even your baby - on this walk. Ideally you would have somewhere that's a little prettier than your usual sights; even if you have to jump in the car to get this walk done somewhere beautiful, it will be worth it. You can take music along, but sometimes it's good to just wear noise-cancelling headphones (I love my Goji ones). Not only does wearing headphones act as an instant Do Not Disturb sign (although some men choose to ignore this - I know!) it also means you can zone out a little. Even a 20 minute walk can do wonders, no matter the weather. The important thing is getting out of your shell for a few minutes, so even if you live in a non-green or non-beachy area, just focus on the (hopefully) fresh air.

Hmm this was a tough one 'cause number 4 was either going to be eat some chocolate (known for its health benefits, okay?) but I figure if I tell you to go the gym (obvious health benefits, duh) then you can always reward yourself with the chocolate after. Cool huh? I know, I know, some of you will hate the gym, but for me, it's been a lifesaver. I kid you not. You know those days when you wake up and chilling out is at the bottom of your list because you are so stressed or just sad? On some of those days, I somehow manage to put gym clothes on, choose a rocking playlist and just get myself there. I tell myself; it's cool if I get there and don't want to work out, but the truth is, once I make that effort, I'm good. If I really don't want to think I'll go do cardio for an hour. I honestly can say that I have never regretted going to the gym. I have however regretted not going and instead eating a whole Cadbury's Whole Nut. 

I hear ya, some of these ideas might be a little too airy-fairy and some days you just want to kill someone, right? if none of the above works, by all means go find a sound proof room - or a deserted forest? - and scream your head off and jump around until you can't do it anymore. Hopefully it results in laughter or tears, or both, and you feel like you actually would really like to sit down and chill with a cup of tea now that it's over. 

Love your crazy! Taken at Bro Resto in Bali

Love your crazy! Taken at Bro Resto in Bali