Weekend photo blog

I've been playing with my new camera lens this week and I am obsessed with it. 

I recently bought what's known as a 'pancake lens', (Canon EF 40mm F 2.8 STM) initially because I wanted to use it for video, but it's also known for taking great close-ups, often with low light, which makes it especially good for beauty and food. So I thought I'd take it out for one of our Sunday adventures. (I say adventure but this week it was about food, photography and the film Wiener Dog.) 

Although my degree was in Fine Art and Photography, it's been a while since I took taking pictures seriously. However, lately a couple of clients have suggested that I add it to my service menu, which is very cool and flattering, but I've booked myself on a one-day course so that I feel completely at home again when it comes to the technical jargon. Anyway, here's what I got up to this weekend.

Breakfast at The Delaunay
The Delaunay might just be my absolute favourite when it comes to long, lazy breakfasts. The food is far better than the more traditionally beloved Wolseley (seriously, I don't get the fuss) and the staff are the best when it comes to making you feel comfortable without stepping on your toes. We always go for the mixed pastries basket because it's full of mini surprises, and we both went for the avo toast.
55 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BB

After brekkie we went to see the William Eggleston Portraits exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. I've always loved Eggleston's style but even if you've never heard of him, you won't regret booking tickets for this one. He's known as one of the first photographers to embrace colour and his style is something that has undoubtedly influenced fashion ad campaigns and editorial shoots. If you love portraits you will love this exhibition.

We were planning to head home after the exhibition but instead we thought we'd pop in to see what Picturehouse Central was showing. Then I found out that I had two free birthday tickets on our membership account! So we decided to see Wiener-Dog, a film by Todd Solondz. But first we had to try the caramel macadamia cheesecake that was on display in the downstairs cafe. Central is probably our favourite Picturehouse, mostly because it's the kind of place that you can hang out in all day; take your laptop, do some work, watch a film, then have dinner in the cafe or in the restaurant upstairs. Although we've been trying to live frugally for the past year, a Picturehouse membership basically pays for itself due to the free tickets you receive - the amount varies depending on which membership you go for, I think, but it's well worth joining. Anyway, back to the cake - see how heavy it looks? Well that's how it tastes; super rich, and even though I am greedy, I guess it made sense that I shared it. Very good.

Wiener-Dog was totally worth watching; you know when you watch a film with zero expectations but find yourself laughing out loud? That's good enough for me when I'm after a chilled Sunday. Without going into too much detail, the film tells the story of one dog's life and the four owners he encounters. Honestly, the first and last stories will make you LAUGH.

After the film - and because we got the free tickets - we decided to stay at Picturehouse for some dinner. The buffalo cauliflower was pretty good, although it's the first time I've ever had buffalo cauliflower breaded; the hummus with golden beetroot was okay but could have done with some more seasoning. For mains we both had fish and chips (not pictured here), which did the job.
Corner of Great Windmill Street and Shaftesbury Avenue, Piccadilly, London, W1D 7DH

And that's that! How was your weekend?