My New York Wishlist

Okay, so I only got back from our mini-moon in Cornwall a couple of weeks ago, but after the dramatic time I've had recently with various business ups and downs, I am throwing myself into organising our next trip. I've always felt (money allowing) that it's good to have something to look forward to, so that, on those darker days, you can basically distract yourself by planning where you're going to visit, eat, shop or just veg out. Although I appreciate a good staycation, and I'm definitely not saying that you need to get on a plane to 'get away', I've been wanting to go back to New York since we were first went as a couple, back in 2011. Prior to that time, I'd been lucky enough to go to NYC twice a year, for fashion week, for several years, but I'd never been for Christmas. I've seen way too many Christmas movies set in New York, and while I can probably guarantee it won't snow on Christmas Day, we've finally decided to give it a go.

So I've decided to start planning our trip with a wishlist of sorts. Don't hesitate to let me know your fave NYC spots, especially if you're a local! I'm also looking for cool business owners/entrepreneurs/creatives to interview and photograph while I'm there, so if you or a friend wants to get involved, email by the end of November.

Image via Instagram/@blacktapnyc

Image via Instagram/@blacktapnyc

Black Tap
I'd be lying if I said I've never spent several minutes (double digits) at a time, drooling over Black Tap's Instagram every single week since I stumbled upon them over a year ago. While novelty places and foodie trends come and go (like Cereal Killer Cafe - just an overpriced bowl of cereal guys, nothing more) this place is the brainchild of a Michelin star chef, so I'm hoping there's some real flavour nestled amongst those calorific rainbow freak shakes, or as they like to call them, Crazy Shakes. Stay tuned because I'll be sampling more than a couple - just for the 'gram, obvs... I'll just make sure the man has an Uber waiting for me - as long as they don't lose their NYC license (see London Uber).

Image via Instagram/@chachamatcha

Image via Instagram/@chachamatcha

Cha Cha Matcha
It's been covered by W magazine, Vogue and The Coveteur, but, aside from that, Cha Cha Matcha has one of the pink-est Instagrams ever - not counting my beloved Palm Vaults of course. I love their branding - instead of sticking to the whole 'pink and green should never been seen' thing, the interior, and packaging openly embraces this colour combo, and I can't wait to get my camera in there - and try a matcha latte of course.

When Jayne Mansfield met the Church of Satan's founder! Via Instagram/@artbookps1

When Jayne Mansfield met the Church of Satan's founder! Via Instagram/@artbookps1

According to New York Magazine, Artbook is the city's best magazine store, and that's really saying something. It's based at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), and I can't wait to spend an afternoon drifting around it to find titles I wouldn't usually see in the UK. I love the fact that it's based in the museum too; it means that I can spend the entire day there, and that makes me very happy. 

The New York Public Library
Long before Carrie didn't actually get married to Big, in what was one of the most eagerly-anticipated TV weddings ever, the New York Public Library was always  one of those places I'd wanted to enter, but never quite managed to actually do it.  (The NYPL also featured in the original Ghostbusters, back in 1984). I absolutely love books (as opposed to Kindles or iBooks), and there's something about this library that seems so authentic (perhaps that's because it's over 100 years old, duh), compared to so many of the city libraries I've come across in the UK cities I've lived in. It might sound weird, but I can't wait to smell what I imagine to be the most gorgeous, heady, book-y scent.

Image via Instagram/@marcjacobs

Image via Instagram/@marcjacobs

The Flower Shop
All I have to say about The Flower Shop is that I've heard that it has a heavy 1970s' vibe when it comes to the interior. If you know me, you'll know I don't need any other reason to visit. But the menu sounds interesting. Be prepared; I'll be wearing my best vintage gold accessories for the inevitable selfies. How gorgeous is this shot by the way? I found it via Marc Jacobs' Instagram, and the decor definitely seems to complement the feel of his Autumn collection. I think I'm going to love this place.