Makeup artist La'Tecia Thomas talks Angelina jolie and her secret hobby

Let's face it, there's a ton of makeup talent out there in Insta Land, but not all of them are as hyper professional or even as social media-friendly, as La'Tecia Thomas, AKA @lateciat. When I first came across this Melbourne, Australia born and raised Freelance Makeup Artist, I had to do a double take - she bares some resemblance to Megan Fox - but there's so much more to this face. Pick any day of the week and La'Tecia is always doing something different; I'd describe her makeup MO as 'Always Glam', whether she's embracing her Indian heritage with black liner and bindis, or faking freckles and bathing her skin in glitter, she is a constant source of inspiration for me - and almost 13,000 others.
One of La'Tecia's latest, a vampy lip look.All images courtesy of La'tecia's Instagram

One of La'Tecia's latest, a vampy lip look.
All images courtesy of La'tecia's Instagram

Has makeup always been your thing? If so, how did you get your start?
 I always enjoyed wearing makeup as an adolescent, however I never thought that I would make it my career. Initially I was undertaking studies to work within the Justice sector, which I enjoyed but did not love; meanwhile I would  experiment with makeup and post photos of the looks I created on social media. Midway through my endeavors I woke up and said to myself 'I want to pursue a makeup career.'. I enrolled into a Specialist Makeup Services Diploma and worked on collaborative photo shoots to build a portfolio to showcase my technique to my interviewees at the university and I haven't looked back since! 

Complete this sentence: 'If I wasn't a makeup artist I would be a ....'
Street photographer. I have such a sweet spot for street photography. You become so mindful of your surroundings when you explore the streets. You witness so much; in particular I love the interactions between people or being able to capture small children who are entirely submerged in their own world. 

Can you tell me about three makeup artists that you personally admire, and why?
First on the list has to be Pat McGrath -  she is a true innovator. I love trend-based makeup and she plays such an influential role in what will be forecasted in up and coming makeup trends on the runway. Secondly, Alex Box; her vision of unconventional artistry is impeccable. I love conceptual makeups and I feel Alex has been such a driving force behind that love, particularly when I first started in the industry. I have been a fan of  her work for some time now and I truly admire her eye for detail. Lastly, Hrush Achemyan; I admire her red carpet makeovers. Quite frankly I think she is absolutely stunning and she has this impeccable ability to beautifully transform a face.  

What is your morning beauty routine?
I don't necessarily have a routine, I usually just rinse my face with cold water; I have a slightly more dry skin so if I feel like I am in need of hydration I will use a pea sized amount of rose hip oil. 

What is your evening beauty routine?
I always need to take my makeup off before I sleep so I will use a face wipe to remove most of the makeup. I then use St.Ives Apricot Scrub to thoroughly cleanse and remove any remaining makeup and I will moisturize with Lush Cosmetics Skin Drink

Any tips/tricks that you swear by when you've got a big day/night ahead?
If I ever head out, one of my favourite tips for touching up lipstick without carrying the actual tube is: I will load up the lipstick onto a retractable lip brush and the use the excess lipstick on the brush for touch-ups during the evening. 

You're on a desert island, but you're allowed to take three products with you  - what do you choose and why? 
Face: my St.Ives Apricot Scrub, hands down. I have OCD with cleaning my skin so it will need to be there with me at all times haha!
Body: I'm going to say sun block - who knows how long I'll be stuck there without any skin protection?!
Hair: a hair tie - it's probably the only hair product that will have any benefit to me on an island. 

Any products/trends out there that you just don't get the hype about?
To be honest, I never understood the whole hype around the label 'strobing' in the industry; it's been around for years and it's called 'highlighting' - which is the exact same thing in my opinion.

Which celebrity face would you love to make up?
Angelina Jolie. I didn't even have to contemplate that one, haha! I think her face is the definition of beauty, she has striking features yet she wears such subtle makeup, which I think is beautiful. Angelina would be a dream for me to makeup. 

Tell me something that not a lot of people know about you.
I love to sketch. I have had several people ask me to create tattoos for them, however it's not something  I have any desire to pursue. When I have a free moment I will sketch as an emotional outlet or to remove myself from technology. I find it alluring that no two [sketches] are the same, my pieces in particular are always imperfect, which I find to be so beautiful in their own way. 

How useful has social media been for your career?
Social Media has played such a major role in my career thus far. Working in an industry that is based on the visual end result, social media really does help you display your work and your technique. Most of you bookings can be generated purely based off of how you utilise your social media. 

How do you respond to the potential negativity that often comes hand in hand with social media?
Social media is a platform which has its perks when trying build your name or establish your brand, however with that comes the accessibility for people to criticise you as an individual and your technique. Truthfully I think life is about balance; I allow people to voice their thoughts whether positive or negative, however I will not tolerate bullying. I do not respond to or fuel the user -  I will simply block them from having any sort of accessibility to my page. 

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to become a makeup artist?
Some important things I would share based on my experiences would be to make sure you are motivated and absolutely love what you do. Do your research, assist some of your favorite artists to pick up tips and tricks on this trade. Always be consistent and find a way to set yourself apart from the rest. It's a competitive industry so you really need to put yourself out there; nothing will be given to you, especially without the hard work. Make sure you are punctual, presentable and professional. Love the journey you are embarking on because there is nothing, in my opinion, more rewarding than being able to turn your passion or hobby into a career.


Who's your fave Instagram makeup artist? Let me know in the comments below!